Friday, October 15, 2010

A Reality that people Ignore: Death

An old journal archive from Russia (Sept. 09, 2006):

Monastery: Seirgev Pasad- People attend mass
 "There are these times when I find myself thinking about death.  Like a little child we don't want to believe it happens, but it really does.  It might be today, tomorrow, next week, in 10 years... I will have to face death.. But by thinking about the reality of death, makes me think about the reality of my relationship with Jesus Christ.  It makes me question if I have truly trusted and believed that Christ can save me from eternal death- and the heart rejoices because I know that what I have living in me is real...

Now that makes me ponder on how I can actually live the reality of my life.  Do I just go up to people and smile and say very shyly that I love Jesus?  Do I get stuck in a pattern where my spirit goes knumb- wake up every Sunday, sing the songs, open the bible - not really reading it, and sitting durning the service while the preacher proclaims the truth and the instructions to be transformed- yet not respond at all.  What should the reality be?  I know this for sure...  for me to keep my eyese on Jesus, not looking to the left or the right- or Satan will surely, pull me down.  I should wake up each day and seek to fall more inlove with the Savior- to draw closer to Him. 

begger at Seirgev Pasad: God loves all.
  With this understanding how can I live a dull life?  It shakes the soul.  Now, since Christ is in me, He puts a love in me that I never had before- a love that would do anything for another person.  So I walk around seeing so many faces... so many.... and I wonder how many of them have thought about death, and how many have found the victory over death in Jesus... I wonder how many of them feel like they are doomed- that there is no hope at all.  I wonder if they have tried to convince themselves that they won't face death- and try not to think about it. 

 It will always be something scary to think about, but to know the- rest of the story- the victory after the physical death... it brings an overwhelming joy and peace to the soul.  So, in conclusion, I see that the reality for me is to live in the truth- to be a light to this dark, cold world.  To be as real as  Ican be about the love I found when I was 13- changing my destiny right there, for eternity.  Death is real- Jesus is real.  You can only be one:  
1.  Be born once-Die Twice
2.  Be born twice-Die Once"

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