Monday, October 4, 2010

.... To Pray

Webster Dictionary Definition of PRAY:
-verb (used with object)
1.  to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc., to (God or an object of worship)
2.  to offer (a prayer)
3.  to bring, put, etc.,
4.  to make earnest petition to (a person)
5.  to make petition or entreety for; crave
6.  to enter into spiritual communion with God or an object of worship
through prayer.

After a conversation with a friend who is burdened with many things in her life, or a neighbor who just lost his mother, or a family member struggling with a decision to make..etc... you say those famous words..


or even better..

I only discuss this because I have found myself in this very rut before and its not a happy place to be.  It is easy to get caught up with trying to be caring and compassionate towards other people.. You want to be there for them, care for them, do for them... but the most powerful thing to do is PRAY for them.  So when you say PRAY, what are you commiting to do?  Are you commiting to "mention" their name in your "prayers" when you say "dear LORD" and "AMEN"?

Look back at the definition of PRAY and see if thats what you do..
1.  I will "offer devout petition" to my Father on behalf of your situation.
2.  I will "bring" to the conversation your request to God.
3.  I will make an "earnest petition" to God

PRAYER is definitely not a time of reciting a beautiful poem, it is a conversation, a petition, an entreaty, a communion with your Creator.  It is a time of coming face to face with God.

Its more intimate than texting, or talking on the phone, its coming before the Lord, God, (the One who made those very hairs on your head) and coming to HIM vulnerable with your petition, or others.

Prayer is also a time of communicating a time of thankfulness and rejoicing.  I would find it depressing and disapointing if my creation only came to me complaining and asking for "favors"  Oh how wonderful it would be to give complements to God and tell Him how wonderful He is, and thank Him for what He has done, and Who He is to the fullest.

For You and Me:  Lets rethink what our idea of Prayer really is, and take action to what it really is suppose to do.  One side note:  also think about where and how you pray.  Every person is different, but something I recommend... is to actually find a secluded place all by yourself to be completely alone... to be alone with your Creator, that will give you an opportunity to be even more real with now distactions around you.  And never "pray" to show off.

"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.  And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.  And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.  Do not be like them for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." - Matthew 6: 6-8

1 comment:

  1. Deep... but it does make me reflect on when I tell someone I will pray for them. I do need to go deeper... really petition on their behalf, but those burdens do get heavy! Love ya sis.
