Monday, November 15, 2010


My favorite times to go shopping at Wal-mart is really late at night, like 11:00pm, or 1:00am.  There are no crowds, you don't have to worry about running anybody over with your kart, you don't have to wait forever in line, you're not being extra cautious about reaching around people to get to a product. so on and so on... plus its fun being the only one in the store pretty much. 

But the other side of this is the personal joy I get from going to Wal-Mart when it is crowded, and I'm not in a hurry of going anywhere.  This is the place where my eyes are opened, where God brings me back to reality.

I could just stand in that store for hours and watch how people carry on through their day, the mother with the five kids trying to keep them from killing each other in the store; the old couple holding hands why waiting at the pharmacy for their meds, the teens acting all cool trying to put on their best show for their friends, the kids playing in the toy isle "mommy, but I want it ...I want it..." , the scruffy looking guy with the torn jeans going in to buy a pack of cigarettes; the college girl buying reamen noodles for food and designer pillows to match her dorm room; the family of 5 packed together talking about their budget and what they can and cannot get this time around while grocery shopping while their kids are saying mommy why do we have to get this while the other kids get to buy that?,  the group of guys who come in for their beer and pistacios for the football game and chuckle about come comedy show, a  young woman with stelleto heels on and fashion designer purse, waiting for her glasses at the eyecare place in the store while she stresses out about the overwhelming schedule she has over the phone with her boyfriend, the daddy holding a newborn baby while looking at which dipars to get for the baby and humming a lulibuy to his daughter...

My heart skips a beat, ..."Look at these" the Lord says, "I love them all"... "These deserve to know the truth just as you did"  And suddenly I'm not complaining anymore about how I can't get down a certain isle or frowning at the long lines anymore.

What might be the "place" where God shows you how much He loves you and everything He created?

just to end on a lighter note:  I went shopping at Wally world today and saw elvis there.!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you put things into perspective! It is a great reminder that God loves us ALL and wants us ALL to be in Glory with him one day. No sin is too small or too big for God. What matters is the turning away from sin and acceptance of Christ as our Savior. Thanks Jamie for that blog post. It was a nice reminder of the love of God. BTW... it's Elvis... not elvis... girl, you have GOT to EMPHASIZE his name!!! LOL
