Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rob Bell, Francis Chan, and the rest of them

There is a man named Rob Bell who is a pastor at Mars Hill Church in Michigan.  He has come out with many books and has taught in a short film format called NOOMA.  I have seen some of his NOOMA videos and they are pretty good... they capture your attention from a different perspective.
Well not too long ago, He came out with a book called "Love Wins", it raised big contraversy amungst "believers" and "non-believers".  His topic was the issue of Hell, and if there really is one.  His topic was also with the idea that God will take everyone in the "end" even if they reject him. 

This was a reality hit for me that I can't just go to a store pick up a book and trust that it is right.  Most of the time, if we really admit it, there have been times we put our guard down and read something with full trust that it is correct.  Spite the comments from the masses concerning his book "Love Wins", I decided to read it myself and make my own decision instead of the crowd making it for me.

So I started to read, and there was a bump in the road that kept me from speeding through it.  Bell's demeaner was very arrogant, rebellious, and confusing (might I remind you that I still love many of his lessons that I have encountered).  I had to stop many times and research what he was writing, and finding out some things referenced were not correct, though he does pose some good challenging  questions. But his attitude towards the more concservative side of "believers" was like a smack in the face.  Thats when I lost all respect.  I say, if he wants to "win" me over with his book, his choice of words have to persuade me, not leave a bad taste in my mouth. And with that, I still think its okay to be BLUNT and REAL, but as the saying goes, "you can catch more flies with honey, than with vinagar"

Putting aside the manners of his book, He starts to dig into some good topics, but doesn't get anywhere with a conclusion or get a point across.  He leaves you confused.  Honestly I could go on about his book for a while, but that is not what I'm trying to bring home.

I'm trying to point out that we can't put our trust in every author's book.  REALITY CHECK:  they are just as human as you, and just as human as me... not perfect, full of mistakes, sometimes full of ourselves, sometimes thinking we are without fault, and our nature is to always have our own 2 cents to put into a topic or conversation.

Francis Chan has just this past week came out with a book called, "Erasing Hell", to argue against some ideas that Rob Bell has put out there.  I have not read it yet, but I recommend you maybe reading both and pray for WISDOM when "ideas", "issues", "concerns" come to your thoughts and trouble your belief. 

In all things (including, reading books) Seek the Lord with all your heart, ask for His wisdom and He shall give it to you.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Beat the Crowd

The other day I went through the McDonald's drive thru to get some breakfast at 6:00am.  As I was waiting at the window to receive my bag of food, I looked and in the distancne there were a couple of guys having some coffee at a table just chatting away... and that made me think back on the days when I would get somewhere where the crowds had not come yet or the rush hour was hours away..and that feeling of being ahead to have a peaceful moment was a nice feeling.

I get that feeling when the retail store or grocery store has just opened and I'm the first to walk in and they greet me with a fresh, crisp, new "hello" along with a morning smile.  I love that feeling.

Usually I like to sleep in just a little... but when I was at youth camp, I would love to wake up at 6:00am and take a walk on the trail before the camp was loud with teenagers...and where the dew was shimmering all over the path and the leaves..and the sun was just starting to tease its rays over the mountians and the only noise you could hear are the tree frogs and forest birds of various types. - it was refreshing.

And this reminds me that my Lord and Master loves that very thing.  He loves to meet with me first in the morning before the "crowds"...before the "rush hour" of the day comes my way.  That way we get that FRESH, CRISP, NEW communion with God each day...along with that genuine "SMILE OF THE HEART"

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" Lamentations 3: 22-23

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Heart

My heart, my heart
its not perfect Lord
I've collected a clutter
yes..  I hord

Welcome home
I know its a mess
but with you here now
now I confess

And when I confess
my heart starts to be
fresher, cleaner
a brand new me

The cobwebs are cleared
Lord you start to sweep
the floors, the ceilings
chaos piled in one heap

your peace flows in
I can breathe again
my selfish ways
were trying to sneek back in

Kick off your shoes
let me wash your feet
can I get you some ice tea
something to eat?

Make yourself at home
I never want you to leave
you remind me of your promises
that bring me to ease

My heart it welcomes you
but my old nature is very rude
its selfish and has no manners
it wants priority over you

But help me be like you
help me see whats right
help this heart of mine
put up a good fight

A fight for what is right
a love showing the true you
a plan that is bigger than just me
A heart meant to worship you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Standing in the Card Isle

As I was standing in the card isle I wondered....what could be going through people's minds as they are getting a card.  and more specifically for holidays like "Father's Day"

"should I get him a funny one?"
"...too mushy"
"we're not that close"
"what can I get for my father-in-law, that will have just the right words"
"my son and I are not on best of terms but this is his first child, what card will fit?"
"I don't talk to my dad, but maybe a card might shorten the gap..."
"This one's perfect!"

I will share a little bit about me so you might be able to relate or at least get something from the post on a more personal level.  Not too much detail going into this, but I've never known my dad.  I remember meeting him once as a child but didn't make the connection that he was my dad.  It wasn't until my senior year in college that I started writing letters back and forth with him.  My grandmother has raised me and my mom close by.  My mom remarried when I was a senior in highschool.  And so I have a step father.  Both I love, and I appriciate things about them...  but the ultimate figure I've always looked up to as a father has been my Heaveanly Father. 

So when I was on that isle today looking at cards, I was thinking:
"....oh this one's nice... (for my step father)... but it says dad, and I don't call him dad..... ooo... this one's too mushy.... grrr... I can't find a simple happy father's day card.... I want to tell him I appriciate him ... not that classic hallmark novel card...... guess I'll have to make him one... now to my (father).. .... hmm... all these talk about growing up together.... nope these aren't going to work... this one talks about how he's been there for me.... not going to work... guess I'll make them both a card"

Conclusion:  I am making them both a card- hand made is better anyway.

My point is that you never know what is going through ones mind when they are purchasing a card on the card isle.  Be sensitive to them. you've got the careless ones , and you've got the ones who will use the card as one of their most powerful tools of communication.

second point:  whether you celebrate fathersday or not.... the Creator of you is also FATHER to you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

That moment of Turning

Should I go?
Should I not?
Should I wait?
Should I not?

What will they say?
What will they think?
What will they do?
What will they conclude?

Why do I wait?
Why don't I choose?
Why do I linger?
Am I afraid to loose?

What have I got to loose here?
Its all gain from here on out
What am I waiting for?
I need to kill this doubt.

Here I go
I'm laying it down
my life is nothing without YOU

Forgive me
take me
make me
...something new

reshape me
rescue me
save me from my selfishness

Bring me to the place
Where its all about YOU
and I live
for YOU
its all about

and so my heart steps out
and pivots away from the path of defeat
and onward I turn to the path of YOU

and this moment of turning
so hard to come to
has great peace afterwards
because I rest in YOU.