Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Heart

My heart, my heart
its not perfect Lord
I've collected a clutter
yes..  I hord

Welcome home
I know its a mess
but with you here now
now I confess

And when I confess
my heart starts to be
fresher, cleaner
a brand new me

The cobwebs are cleared
Lord you start to sweep
the floors, the ceilings
chaos piled in one heap

your peace flows in
I can breathe again
my selfish ways
were trying to sneek back in

Kick off your shoes
let me wash your feet
can I get you some ice tea
something to eat?

Make yourself at home
I never want you to leave
you remind me of your promises
that bring me to ease

My heart it welcomes you
but my old nature is very rude
its selfish and has no manners
it wants priority over you

But help me be like you
help me see whats right
help this heart of mine
put up a good fight

A fight for what is right
a love showing the true you
a plan that is bigger than just me
A heart meant to worship you.

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