There is a man named Rob Bell who is a pastor at Mars Hill Church in Michigan. He has come out with many books and has taught in a short film format called NOOMA. I have seen some of his NOOMA videos and they are pretty good... they capture your attention from a different perspective.
Well not too long ago, He came out with a book called "Love Wins", it raised big contraversy amungst "believers" and "non-believers". His topic was the issue of Hell, and if there really is one. His topic was also with the idea that God will take everyone in the "end" even if they reject him.
This was a reality hit for me that I can't just go to a store pick up a book and trust that it is right. Most of the time, if we really admit it, there have been times we put our guard down and read something with full trust that it is correct. Spite the comments from the masses concerning his book "Love Wins", I decided to read it myself and make my own decision instead of the crowd making it for me.
So I started to read, and there was a bump in the road that kept me from speeding through it. Bell's demeaner was very arrogant, rebellious, and confusing (might I remind you that I still love many of his lessons that I have encountered). I had to stop many times and research what he was writing, and finding out some things referenced were not correct, though he does pose some good challenging questions. But his attitude towards the more concservative side of "believers" was like a smack in the face. Thats when I lost all respect. I say, if he wants to "win" me over with his book, his choice of words have to persuade me, not leave a bad taste in my mouth. And with that, I still think its okay to be BLUNT and REAL, but as the saying goes, "you can catch more flies with honey, than with vinagar"
Putting aside the manners of his book, He starts to dig into some good topics, but doesn't get anywhere with a conclusion or get a point across. He leaves you confused. Honestly I could go on about his book for a while, but that is not what I'm trying to bring home.
I'm trying to point out that we can't put our trust in every author's book. REALITY CHECK: they are just as human as you, and just as human as me... not perfect, full of mistakes, sometimes full of ourselves, sometimes thinking we are without fault, and our nature is to always have our own 2 cents to put into a topic or conversation.
Francis Chan has just this past week came out with a book called, "Erasing Hell", to argue against some ideas that Rob Bell has put out there. I have not read it yet, but I recommend you maybe reading both and pray for WISDOM when "ideas", "issues", "concerns" come to your thoughts and trouble your belief.
In all things (including, reading books) Seek the Lord with all your heart, ask for His wisdom and He shall give it to you.
Wonderful and Wise words. I'm the kind of person that I tend to just not read it at all. I have a discerning heart when it comes to movies and television and even news and fiction books, but if I hear it is bad, I just won't read it :/ Kudos to you for reading it, and you are right... we can't just "trust" to pick something up from a writer and assume it is correct. The only infallible work is the BIBLE. ;)