Thursday, December 15, 2011

childlike setting for Christmas

The Lord has always encouraged us to have faith like a child... Trust and Obey
He also tells us to grow with a discerning heart and a strong faith. 

Before I would know the Saviour, I put a lot of effort and excitement towards Christmas, leaving out the oatmeal cookies and coffee for Santa, waking up early the next morning to see what he brought.  As I started a new life in Christ, some things at Christmas weren't lining up.

I had to grow into a discerning heart very quickly... I challenge you to set your traditions and faith before you, and establish them into your family to the best you can to Glorify Christ....

But as a grown up now, I still get excited, and wake up EXTREMELY EARLY, and feel like a kid at heard during this time.

Here are a few recommendations for you and/or your children to help explain Christmas and where it all started. :D

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