Thursday, December 8, 2011

When the COLD comes

Just the other day it snowed here in Texas, enough to cover the windshield of the car, and then melted when the sun came up.  We rejoiced in it though it doesn't compare to what I experience in Moscow, RU.


Something interesting about snow that some don't think about is the fact that it works as an insulator, or a blanket.  While the winter may seem like a harsh one, the snow that comes with it is a protector for the ground from the freezing temporatures.
walking area near Kremlin (Moscow,RU) early spring

In Russia, while the fall had not yet seen snow, the city workers rushed around to get bulbs planted in the ground...then when the snow came and blanketed them from the major cold, spring would come and the Tulips with their vibrant colors would burst forth through the snow while it was still melting!

You know where I'm going with this?

The Lord sends times like this in your life to make you bundle up in His stillness and be protected and close to Him, and strengthened and then burst forth with all your colors when "spring" comes.

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