Have you ever been afraid to ask questions?
This issue is something I'm not so gentle with (as far as if its a waste of time to ask questions or forbidden). There are questions always to be asked. There is always room to grow. There are always moments you want to know the truth so you feel complete.
Nothing wrong with it, and I will stand up to anyone who believes differently.
Okay, now for the GENTLE part of this issue. We must be gentle with each other when questions ARE asked. This means not incorporating anger and degrading looks when the questions begin.
For example, I have always been taught some moral standards to stand by according to the church body... along the road I've had a few questions about what the bible says, and what the christian says.... with this intrique I am not out to be angry or spiteful towards anyone, but when I have asked certian questions in the past, I have gotten replies back in anger, or "how dare you doubt" looks. All I was looking for was more council and wisdom to know what is right and wrong.
A part of me wonders if that is our instinct when confronted with something out of the norm... we start to take defense right away. ... our duty is to be GENTILE and COMPASSIONATE towards the person asking.
Another example right now: I have a lot of questions about "missions" and "being a missionary" and being "missional". Because I have these questions, I'm not in doubt where I'm abandoning all hope or something, I'm simply asking questions that I don't have answers to... with hopes that I'm not judged for asking.
So my question for you is, ... Have you ever been the one asking the questions (which challenge the faith), or Have you ever been the one presented with such challenging questions? if so on ether end, how have you delt with it? please share.
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