Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Temptation: the Butter Bowl

When Nanny (my grandmother) said "girls, set the table", my sister and I would start setting out the plates, silverware, ..... condiments, such as ketchup, A1 sauce....and my favorite BUTTER.

That's right!  I was known to stick my finger in the BUTTER BOWL!  Every time we set the table, I was tempted to stick my finger in and scoop out a delightful cloud of butter goodness and eat it.  I got away with it a few times.  Here and there, my sister would tell on me.  Sometimes my grandmother just KNEW and would shout out from the other room, "Jamie, you better not be putting your finger in the butter bowl!"  I was tempted... I loved it!

TEMPTATION:  its a nasty business, and it starts when we're little, like butter bowls, video games, putting down others in order to be cool.
Later as grown ups we deal with it in the form of laziness (someone else will get it for me), food, overspending, pornography, lying...etc.

The best way to explain it is through this video.  Its a song from the VeggieTales Video:  "LarryBoy and the Bad Apple"  There is a villain that is a BAD apple named Temptation, and she out to take over the town and eventually the world.  She fights with tempting individuals with their weak spots, easy to trap them.  This song puts it into perspective.  ENJOY!

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