Love is such an interesting and intriguing thing... for it is not a thing at is an action. God is love. God is not dead, He lives and continues to live; therefore if Love is an action, and God is Love, that God lives and continues to act and pursue us, ... but this post is not about a theological study of God, but a love story of where it all began for me... a story I like to revisit, and a story we must all revisit that we may REMEMBER...and that we may worship God for what He has done.
Age 8-ish to 10-ish: I started wondering who God was, was he a cloud in the sky, was He sitting on a cloud? was He flying above them somewhere? I heard once that he listens...kind of like wishing on a star at night ...talking into the void pretending someone is there... So I would talk up at the sky and say hello to God, the creator whom I did not know personally but was intrigued by. more and more questions came to my heart..
Age 10: My best friend invites me to Wednesday night bible studies, called: GA's (Girls in Action), where they learn about missionaries, read the bible and even memorize bible verses...and play games why learning about this Jesus...I was having so much fun and everyone seemed so nice that I asked if I could come on a Sunday. With that, my best friend brought me on a Sunday. I loved these people! They seemed so joyful, so full of love and compassion, so happy, and they help each other out. I wish I could be a part of that. With curiosity already there and wanting this fellowship, I heard the preacher saying: ...if you want to be a part of the family of God come and I will pray with you"... of course a note to say that is the part I heard...and that's what I I walked down the isle... took the preacher by the hand and we prayed. Before the church and God they announced the decision I made...but right a way I thought...I"m not really sure I've done that...become a "christian" or a "sinner saved by grace" ...what was sinner..and what did grace mean?
3 years went by.....
Age 13: three years of wearing a mask can get tiring! 3 years I faked it! I said the right things, make choices like those church people would make, I even memorized some scripture, and I always smiled... ALL FAKE...and it was a battle that went on for not 1 night, not 1 year...but 3 years! I started learning what it means to have a REAL personal RELATIONSHIP with the CREATOR, through the LORD JESUS, the puzzle pieces coming together, understanding my need of redemption...real redemption.
SUMMER 1996: Age 13: for 3 years bottled up of knowing what I was, a fake, it was about to boil over.
Monday: at youth camp, day one: my convictions were stronger than ever: "Lord, just forget about me, I have mocked you, made myself a fake, claiming to have you as the ruler of my heart, ...Lord... just forget about me, I'm dirt, you do not want a liar like me being a part of your kingdom... there is no hope... .I do not deserve you..."
Tuesday: went by with continued battling, "but Lord what about all the lies I told to all the people at church at home? and what about my family who don't go to church and know about you...what a mess I'm in... why are you calling my name, why do you still want me?"
Wednesday was D-day: (June 5, 1996): Throughout the whole service I was battling within...and I mean a BATTLE, "Lord why are you giving me this opportunity, why would you love someone like me?..Lord I have mocked You and acted like I'm part of a circus, and my family already think this whole church thing is not really a big deal?..." and when there was an open alter prayer time, this is the climax of the battle scene. "I'm a sinner with no way to be connected with you accept through your son Jesus who died for me, defeated death for me, and is there to intercede. I have nothing to offer accept ask for forgiveness, and an opportunity to a new life, where my old me is thrown away....but wait lord, what will the the others at home think? They will judge me, my family will say I told you so, ...what shall I do." **"Jamie, be still... and know that I AM GOD, I love you... I want to dwell in your heart and change your life forever, turn away from your old self...let ME transform you to a new creation"**
I can smell the pine trees around me, hearing the song "I EXALT THEE" playing in the background, noticing the teens around me seeming to fade out and all the world around me soon fades to the background, no time even seems to exist, and it is just me and my BELOVED LORD whom, ...yes...I welcome in to rule my heart and my life. And in that moment its like a burden was lifted off of my chest, and I had a joy I couldn't contain, and it was as if angels were singing joy with me... and I was changed FOREVER. how lovely my BELOVED SAVIOUR is to have kept on pursuing me, after all I did to HIM.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
How could he know?
When I came home from Russia, back to America, and would share stories with my friends and family. The hardest thing to do is to have the listeners NOT completely comprehend where I was coming from. They could get a general idea and picture what I'm decribing, but for the most part it wouldn't do justice. When my teammates from there talked about what to expect when going back to America, this was one major thing to discuss. Understanding that there will be people who just don't get it, unless they were there themselves.
Sometimes You can't really capture and fully understand somethings in your life unless you have been there and have seen it or experienced it. It's like a mother of three children trying to explain motherhood to a single woman of the same age. She might understand to a certain extent but has never experienced the whole process so she will understand to a certain extent. It might be a veteran trying to explain his experience in war to his grandson. The grandson, might have read up on his history, but will never understand fully what His grandfather is explaining, for he has never been there and went through what his grandfather went through, not to mention the fact that ways of life change through each generation alone.
So then I ask myself.... HOW COULD HE KNOW? How could a man King David from the Bible know how to express what my heart feels in the Psalms. Actually if he were here, he would be asking how I could know what He is feeling because he went through it before I did, he lived in different times than me..etc.
To write about the longing of God, to write about the praises towards the Lord, to call upon him with poetic phrases that only one from closest relations to him would express.... I read these things and say.. "hey, thats exactly how I feel about the Lord and towards Him, that exactly how I would express with my heart my struggles to him" (Though I have to give credit to King David his talents in writing were amazing.--many people can only express those thoughts in their minds, its difficult to put it on paper)
How is it that a man like him, or an Ambitious man name Paul, or a humble song from the Virgin Mary, or the pressing on of Moses, .... how could these share that moment where you hear something you understand and you look across at each other in a room with a look like "I understand" or "I know what you mean" or "I get it"... "been there, done that, got the t-shirt"... how is this........? Will we ever know?
and through His SPIRIT, we know.
Now this is the VITAL thing to know.... one can gain much knowledge of the scriptures, study the life of paul his whole life, write a million poems about sorrow and joy like king David, ...but does that mean that he or she GETS IT? sad to say ...NO... the scriptures tell us of a mystery that is revealed.... that mystery is revealed through His Spirit. some might ask...okay..."Spirit of God" where are you so that I may know theys things and understand them like moses, like david, like mary, like paul, like some of my friends that I hang out with that have a certain joy about them.... Ask yourself if you know the Lord , as in, have you come to the realization that we all are nothing without Him, we are cut away from knowing and residing in a relationship with our creator due to our sinful nature. Jesus, God in the Flesh has made a way for you, paying a dept, that you could never EVER pay... but heres the catch.. "ITS FREE" ...realize you need HIM ...recieve him as your personal Lord and Saviour... let HIM be the ruler of your heart, ....
and my friend... your life will be changed forever.
and then you will look at King David, and Mary, and Moses, and Paul...and your friends at church or work who have this strange joy...and you will give each other that look of "I understand"..."I know what you mean"
"Been there, done that...and continue to be HIS"
Sometimes You can't really capture and fully understand somethings in your life unless you have been there and have seen it or experienced it. It's like a mother of three children trying to explain motherhood to a single woman of the same age. She might understand to a certain extent but has never experienced the whole process so she will understand to a certain extent. It might be a veteran trying to explain his experience in war to his grandson. The grandson, might have read up on his history, but will never understand fully what His grandfather is explaining, for he has never been there and went through what his grandfather went through, not to mention the fact that ways of life change through each generation alone.
So then I ask myself.... HOW COULD HE KNOW? How could a man King David from the Bible know how to express what my heart feels in the Psalms. Actually if he were here, he would be asking how I could know what He is feeling because he went through it before I did, he lived in different times than me..etc.
To write about the longing of God, to write about the praises towards the Lord, to call upon him with poetic phrases that only one from closest relations to him would express.... I read these things and say.. "hey, thats exactly how I feel about the Lord and towards Him, that exactly how I would express with my heart my struggles to him" (Though I have to give credit to King David his talents in writing were amazing.--many people can only express those thoughts in their minds, its difficult to put it on paper)
How is it that a man like him, or an Ambitious man name Paul, or a humble song from the Virgin Mary, or the pressing on of Moses, .... how could these share that moment where you hear something you understand and you look across at each other in a room with a look like "I understand" or "I know what you mean" or "I get it"... "been there, done that, got the t-shirt"... how is this........? Will we ever know?
and through His SPIRIT, we know.
Now this is the VITAL thing to know.... one can gain much knowledge of the scriptures, study the life of paul his whole life, write a million poems about sorrow and joy like king David, ...but does that mean that he or she GETS IT? sad to say ...NO... the scriptures tell us of a mystery that is revealed.... that mystery is revealed through His Spirit. some might ask...okay..."Spirit of God" where are you so that I may know theys things and understand them like moses, like david, like mary, like paul, like some of my friends that I hang out with that have a certain joy about them.... Ask yourself if you know the Lord , as in, have you come to the realization that we all are nothing without Him, we are cut away from knowing and residing in a relationship with our creator due to our sinful nature. Jesus, God in the Flesh has made a way for you, paying a dept, that you could never EVER pay... but heres the catch.. "ITS FREE" ...realize you need HIM ...recieve him as your personal Lord and Saviour... let HIM be the ruler of your heart, ....
and my friend... your life will be changed forever.
and then you will look at King David, and Mary, and Moses, and Paul...and your friends at church or work who have this strange joy...and you will give each other that look of "I understand"..."I know what you mean"
"Been there, done that...and continue to be HIS"
Monday, December 6, 2010
Give Me Your Eyes
so many things go on in our lives that we forget to open our eyes to the lives around us. I hope this song is touching for you. This CONSTANTLY REMINDS me to share His love and truth as I rely on my maker..and to call on HIM to help me see through His eyes and not through just mine which are imperfect and seflish.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Promises and Angels
I must start by saying, "yes it is early to be talking about christmas, but not really"
As I was driving in my car listening to a my favortie song "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", I thought of the promises that the Israelites longed to be fulfilled. Could you imagine, hundreds of years being promised of a Messiah that would fufill all the prophecies, that would bring everlasting peace, the ultimate sacrifice... and you are waiting and waiting... and then out of no where, HE COMES.... Could you imagine being a lowly shephard who got the night shift and (knowing your promises that were told to you as a child of the coming messiah) out of the heavens explodes into place a HOST of Angels declaring a promise being kepts from God Almighty...a promise being fulfilled at this very moment. Could you imagine? What would you think.
Think about it this way: It's like a kid waiting for the rain to stop so he can go play outside. It's like a military wife waiting for her husband to come home from the war. It's like a dog waiting for his master to drop some scraps from the dinner table. It's like a groom waiting for his bride to walk through the open doors at the end of the isle. Its like a prisoner waiting for his release date when he can be FREE!
Isreal was a nation that waited and waited and longed for God to bring a Messiah that He PROMISED to them.. so they waited. and then, ... the ANGELS burst forth saying "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE AMONG THOSE WITH WHOM HE IS PLEASED!"
Think on this: We have a promise that Isreal waited for, it was extended to both Jew and GENTILE all nations. And now here is time when we can wait for the Promise of the Lord's return, but not as a baby, but as the Resurrected Lord who conquored the grave! REJOICE as you think on these things... PROMISES that God Keeps, and ANGELS declare His Truth, bringing good news!!!!
GOD is AWESOME at how He gets His News across!
As I was driving in my car listening to a my favortie song "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", I thought of the promises that the Israelites longed to be fulfilled. Could you imagine, hundreds of years being promised of a Messiah that would fufill all the prophecies, that would bring everlasting peace, the ultimate sacrifice... and you are waiting and waiting... and then out of no where, HE COMES.... Could you imagine being a lowly shephard who got the night shift and (knowing your promises that were told to you as a child of the coming messiah) out of the heavens explodes into place a HOST of Angels declaring a promise being kepts from God Almighty...a promise being fulfilled at this very moment. Could you imagine? What would you think.
Think about it this way: It's like a kid waiting for the rain to stop so he can go play outside. It's like a military wife waiting for her husband to come home from the war. It's like a dog waiting for his master to drop some scraps from the dinner table. It's like a groom waiting for his bride to walk through the open doors at the end of the isle. Its like a prisoner waiting for his release date when he can be FREE!
Isreal was a nation that waited and waited and longed for God to bring a Messiah that He PROMISED to them.. so they waited. and then, ... the ANGELS burst forth saying "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE AMONG THOSE WITH WHOM HE IS PLEASED!"
Think on this: We have a promise that Isreal waited for, it was extended to both Jew and GENTILE all nations. And now here is time when we can wait for the Promise of the Lord's return, but not as a baby, but as the Resurrected Lord who conquored the grave! REJOICE as you think on these things... PROMISES that God Keeps, and ANGELS declare His Truth, bringing good news!!!!
GOD is AWESOME at how He gets His News across!

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Late Night
out of sight
....of anyone around
Just you and me
Lord you and me else around
and so now its time to talk
and to listen to you
to pour out my heart
for you to view
I have questions to ask
hurts to share
answers to chew on
praises to declare
My faith I know
cannot be stolen
but knowledge is
a challenge to take on
so now I desire wisdom
with knowledge too
deciphering its truth
to know more of you
I will not lie
this is hard to do
to challenge my faith
with questions of you
But if I give minimum
efforts that are effortless
how will I grow
I must give my best
Seeking after you
chasing you
waiting for you
as you
wait for me
pursue me
and hold me
So fear I have no more
knowing that my King
will protect my journey
on discovering new things
yielding with wisdom
covered in grace
bring on the knowledge
right now in this place
In this late night
out of sight
....with only you around.
in brokenness
you help me grow some more.
"For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins."
(2 Peter 1:5-9 ESV)
out of sight
....of anyone around
Just you and me
Lord you and me else around
and so now its time to talk
and to listen to you
to pour out my heart
for you to view
I have questions to ask
hurts to share
answers to chew on
praises to declare
My faith I know
cannot be stolen
but knowledge is
a challenge to take on
so now I desire wisdom
with knowledge too
deciphering its truth
to know more of you
I will not lie
this is hard to do
to challenge my faith
with questions of you
But if I give minimum
efforts that are effortless
how will I grow
I must give my best
Seeking after you
chasing you
waiting for you
as you
wait for me
pursue me
and hold me
So fear I have no more
knowing that my King
will protect my journey
on discovering new things
yielding with wisdom
covered in grace
bring on the knowledge
right now in this place
In this late night
out of sight
....with only you around.
in brokenness
you help me grow some more.
"For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins."
(2 Peter 1:5-9 ESV)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
When in Doubt or Felt Defeated
I would not be real to myself and to you the reader if I told you my life is all rainbows and cupcakes. Tonight I sat and pondered on people in my life, and I started to doubt... yes.. the human nature...doubting my purpose, my actions, my future. I started thinking specifically about all the people in my life: so I give my efforts to them, encourage them, love them, pray for them, hope the very best for them, but then I feel like my efforts are not really much effort, and I'm doubting if I'm doing my job. I think about blessings in my life, what am I taking for granted, what am I excusing: convincing myself I don't deserve it. At this time of thinking I feel Defeated.
But let me say... there is NOT hopelessness.... but HOPE
how could I grow if I didn't have my doubts and defeats?
Now is this critical point of choosing how I spend my time in my thoughts,... digging deeper in Depression (a place I do not want to return to), or fighting it out, a tough battle, but surrender in the end with God's peace that surpasses all my understandings in life. (I might not get it all...but I can be content..and rejoice in what I have).
I say these words while these things are fresh on my mind so I might be vulnerable to be real and honest with you readers. Its not easy. We have times when we turn off the "HOPE" button, Ignore the "PEACE" blanket that God offers, and pretend that God's ears are turned off and the whole world just doesn't understand. I've been there! and I've also had a good firend tell me, "those moments when you think you're alone on that boat, look around, there are many others with you".
So what can you, the reader, draw from this? I hope that you can see, me another human being, having doubts also, feeling defeated..but each of us stopping in our tracks and not forgetting about the God that is rooted in your heart waiting for you to melt into His arms and let Him comfort you.
But let me say... there is NOT hopelessness.... but HOPE
how could I grow if I didn't have my doubts and defeats?
Now is this critical point of choosing how I spend my time in my thoughts,... digging deeper in Depression (a place I do not want to return to), or fighting it out, a tough battle, but surrender in the end with God's peace that surpasses all my understandings in life. (I might not get it all...but I can be content..and rejoice in what I have).
I say these words while these things are fresh on my mind so I might be vulnerable to be real and honest with you readers. Its not easy. We have times when we turn off the "HOPE" button, Ignore the "PEACE" blanket that God offers, and pretend that God's ears are turned off and the whole world just doesn't understand. I've been there! and I've also had a good firend tell me, "those moments when you think you're alone on that boat, look around, there are many others with you".
So what can you, the reader, draw from this? I hope that you can see, me another human being, having doubts also, feeling defeated..but each of us stopping in our tracks and not forgetting about the God that is rooted in your heart waiting for you to melt into His arms and let Him comfort you.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My favorite times to go shopping at Wal-mart is really late at night, like 11:00pm, or 1:00am. There are no crowds, you don't have to worry about running anybody over with your kart, you don't have to wait forever in line, you're not being extra cautious about reaching around people to get to a product. so on and so on... plus its fun being the only one in the store pretty much.
But the other side of this is the personal joy I get from going to Wal-Mart when it is crowded, and I'm not in a hurry of going anywhere. This is the place where my eyes are opened, where God brings me back to reality.
I could just stand in that store for hours and watch how people carry on through their day, the mother with the five kids trying to keep them from killing each other in the store; the old couple holding hands why waiting at the pharmacy for their meds, the teens acting all cool trying to put on their best show for their friends, the kids playing in the toy isle "mommy, but I want it ...I want it..." , the scruffy looking guy with the torn jeans going in to buy a pack of cigarettes; the college girl buying reamen noodles for food and designer pillows to match her dorm room; the family of 5 packed together talking about their budget and what they can and cannot get this time around while grocery shopping while their kids are saying mommy why do we have to get this while the other kids get to buy that?, the group of guys who come in for their beer and pistacios for the football game and chuckle about come comedy show, a young woman with stelleto heels on and fashion designer purse, waiting for her glasses at the eyecare place in the store while she stresses out about the overwhelming schedule she has over the phone with her boyfriend, the daddy holding a newborn baby while looking at which dipars to get for the baby and humming a lulibuy to his daughter...
My heart skips a beat, ..."Look at these" the Lord says, "I love them all"... "These deserve to know the truth just as you did" And suddenly I'm not complaining anymore about how I can't get down a certain isle or frowning at the long lines anymore.
What might be the "place" where God shows you how much He loves you and everything He created?
just to end on a lighter note: I went shopping at Wally world today and saw elvis there.!
But the other side of this is the personal joy I get from going to Wal-Mart when it is crowded, and I'm not in a hurry of going anywhere. This is the place where my eyes are opened, where God brings me back to reality.
I could just stand in that store for hours and watch how people carry on through their day, the mother with the five kids trying to keep them from killing each other in the store; the old couple holding hands why waiting at the pharmacy for their meds, the teens acting all cool trying to put on their best show for their friends, the kids playing in the toy isle "mommy, but I want it ...I want it..." , the scruffy looking guy with the torn jeans going in to buy a pack of cigarettes; the college girl buying reamen noodles for food and designer pillows to match her dorm room; the family of 5 packed together talking about their budget and what they can and cannot get this time around while grocery shopping while their kids are saying mommy why do we have to get this while the other kids get to buy that?, the group of guys who come in for their beer and pistacios for the football game and chuckle about come comedy show, a young woman with stelleto heels on and fashion designer purse, waiting for her glasses at the eyecare place in the store while she stresses out about the overwhelming schedule she has over the phone with her boyfriend, the daddy holding a newborn baby while looking at which dipars to get for the baby and humming a lulibuy to his daughter...
My heart skips a beat, ..."Look at these" the Lord says, "I love them all"... "These deserve to know the truth just as you did" And suddenly I'm not complaining anymore about how I can't get down a certain isle or frowning at the long lines anymore.
What might be the "place" where God shows you how much He loves you and everything He created?
just to end on a lighter note: I went shopping at Wally world today and saw elvis there.!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Dont Lose Hope
You might be the one who was left for another around the corner, abandoned, left with all the bills, the mortgage, the table to set for all the kids after a full days work, losing sleep, losing money, losing strength....
You might be the one who left your love to live a life more full of adventure with anyone you want, one night stand, party for the night, start a new day tomorrow, ...but you're never saticfied, never complete, you regret your descisions, you're losing confidence, losing stability in character, ...losing control of your life...
You might be the one who was raise to be the perfect example for everyone else... All eyes watching you, walking on eggshells, afraid to breathe inside this house of cards, cant make a mistake, can't fail, you're losing your identity, losing your sense of appriciation for life...
You might be the one who has never had a sense of direction, but are in constant search for truth... Doubts arise, the winds toss you about, the deceiver is always prowling around you, waiting to devoir any hope you have found... you feel you are losing diligence to keep on keeping on, losing that eagerness to grow, losing hope...
You might be the one who has grown to be angry at the world, people, standards, promises, letting you down. Everything is not living up to what you thought it would be, full of flaws... you're losing respect for them, losing patience, losing mercy towards the constant skrew ups
For Hope is what we hold onto, and Hope is just another word for Trust with a promise involved in the treaty. A Promise from the Lord, not broken... therefore we have FAITH that the LORD is ABLE.
"Surely there is a future, and your HOPE will not be cut off."- Proverbs 23:18
"For in this HOPE we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who HOPES for what he sees?
But if we HOPE for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."- Romans 8:24-25
"For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you HOPE in your final outcome."- Jeremiah 29:11
You might be the one who left your love to live a life more full of adventure with anyone you want, one night stand, party for the night, start a new day tomorrow, ...but you're never saticfied, never complete, you regret your descisions, you're losing confidence, losing stability in character, ...losing control of your life...
You might be the one who was raise to be the perfect example for everyone else... All eyes watching you, walking on eggshells, afraid to breathe inside this house of cards, cant make a mistake, can't fail, you're losing your identity, losing your sense of appriciation for life...
You might be the one who has never had a sense of direction, but are in constant search for truth... Doubts arise, the winds toss you about, the deceiver is always prowling around you, waiting to devoir any hope you have found... you feel you are losing diligence to keep on keeping on, losing that eagerness to grow, losing hope...
You might be the one who has grown to be angry at the world, people, standards, promises, letting you down. Everything is not living up to what you thought it would be, full of flaws... you're losing respect for them, losing patience, losing mercy towards the constant skrew ups
For Hope is what we hold onto, and Hope is just another word for Trust with a promise involved in the treaty. A Promise from the Lord, not broken... therefore we have FAITH that the LORD is ABLE.
"Surely there is a future, and your HOPE will not be cut off."- Proverbs 23:18
"For in this HOPE we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who HOPES for what he sees?
But if we HOPE for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."- Romans 8:24-25
"For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you HOPE in your final outcome."- Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
the BEAUTY of the one who tries
A story told to give perspective:
As I'm sitting in church, I am waiting for the piano to start playing, the choir to get on stage, and for the music to I'm waiting I watch the people around me, observing them, studying them...
"Mr. Bowtie, you look nice today"
"Why, thank you, this tie and vest just yesterday, always want to look nice for Sundays"
I smile and say, "Well, you look nice"
He goes on his way.
"Mrs Lace, goodmorning"
"Good Morning!"
"How's it going, I haven't seen you in a while"
"Yeah, I'm good, been busy.... are you going to that bible study they are talking about in the bulletin?"
she interrups, "I am, but I'm going to have to see if it works with my schedule, I'm already a part of the married couples' bible study, and I have choir practice on wednesdays, and childrens church meetings"
"well see, Mrs Lace, take care"
up comes Miss bluejeans,..
"Morning' miss bluejeans, hows it going?"
"alright... tired.. I don't really want to be here, but I've have a lot going on. I've been battling again with my temptations, and my daughter is wearing me out, and I need to get into church I knew it would be a good place to start again. "
"you're going in the right direction, God cares for you, and waits for you to lay your burdens down at His feet"
"yeah, I heard God loves me, I'm just not so sure about all this God stuff, I mean... its cool and all but I don't know if its my style. But I'm going to give it a try"
"I'm glad youre here, praying for you"
Miss bluejeans walk away and sits down.
All of a sudden the music starts to play and the choir is in place, and the church service is starting, but deep down inside I'm pondering on the things that were said from Miss bluejeans... her heart... her honesty... her brokeness.... HOW BEAUTIFUL of the one who tries... the one who longs for a love that can comfort every need, for a peace that surpasses all understanding, for a promise that will never be broken, and for a reality that the Creator loves her for her, not her dresscode, or her good deeds... but her alone in her brokeness.
So Beautiful: Another story to think of is the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears. "And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner." Luke 7: 37-39
Who could read that and NOT say that that is beautiful. For the one who tries...the one who makes an effort to get right with the Lord, is the one displaying the beauty of "SURRENDER"
As I'm sitting in church, I am waiting for the piano to start playing, the choir to get on stage, and for the music to I'm waiting I watch the people around me, observing them, studying them...
"Mr. Bowtie, you look nice today"
"Why, thank you, this tie and vest just yesterday, always want to look nice for Sundays"
I smile and say, "Well, you look nice"
He goes on his way.
"Mrs Lace, goodmorning"
"Good Morning!"
"How's it going, I haven't seen you in a while"
"Yeah, I'm good, been busy.... are you going to that bible study they are talking about in the bulletin?"
she interrups, "I am, but I'm going to have to see if it works with my schedule, I'm already a part of the married couples' bible study, and I have choir practice on wednesdays, and childrens church meetings"
"well see, Mrs Lace, take care"
up comes Miss bluejeans,..
"Morning' miss bluejeans, hows it going?"
"alright... tired.. I don't really want to be here, but I've have a lot going on. I've been battling again with my temptations, and my daughter is wearing me out, and I need to get into church I knew it would be a good place to start again. "
"you're going in the right direction, God cares for you, and waits for you to lay your burdens down at His feet"
"yeah, I heard God loves me, I'm just not so sure about all this God stuff, I mean... its cool and all but I don't know if its my style. But I'm going to give it a try"
"I'm glad youre here, praying for you"
Miss bluejeans walk away and sits down.
All of a sudden the music starts to play and the choir is in place, and the church service is starting, but deep down inside I'm pondering on the things that were said from Miss bluejeans... her heart... her honesty... her brokeness.... HOW BEAUTIFUL of the one who tries... the one who longs for a love that can comfort every need, for a peace that surpasses all understanding, for a promise that will never be broken, and for a reality that the Creator loves her for her, not her dresscode, or her good deeds... but her alone in her brokeness.
So Beautiful: Another story to think of is the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears. "And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner." Luke 7: 37-39
Who could read that and NOT say that that is beautiful. For the one who tries...the one who makes an effort to get right with the Lord, is the one displaying the beauty of "SURRENDER"
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I will Trust in You
shaking from the inside out
sometimes with doubt
choices to make
roads to take
But I will Trust in You
The truth I will lay before
my honesty all the more
how can this woman saved by grace
continue on in a steady pace
without you...
So I will Trust in You
with you I sit
and we talk a bit
and I'm captured by your fragrance
the peace found in your presence
I will trust in you
All my worries and trials
they can wait while
... I wait upon you
Those choices I make
those roads I must take
I will shout out
I will not doubt ... you
For I will trust in You
sometimes with doubt
choices to make
roads to take
But I will Trust in You
The truth I will lay before
my honesty all the more
how can this woman saved by grace
continue on in a steady pace
without you...
So I will Trust in You
with you I sit
and we talk a bit
and I'm captured by your fragrance
the peace found in your presence
I will trust in you
All my worries and trials
they can wait while
... I wait upon you
Those choices I make
those roads I must take
I will shout out
I will not doubt ... you
For I will trust in You
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A seek... and to give
We could each stand here right now and say that every person has a story. And not all those stories are the same... there might be some similarities...or there might be no similarities whatsoever. God knew from the dawn of creation what your story would be, and he knew, and still knows what the rest of your story will be. It is a great adventure He has fearfully and wonderfully made for you...just the way he made you.
For the next person to come along your path, they don't have the same story as you, for you were made specifically diferent from that person so you would be unique and special by God and for His glory. But for this person...think of the wonderful blessings they will get from hearing your "story"... it gives them a light to shine on how Mighty and Awesome God really is...seeing how He worked in Your life...and then turn the tables... think about the opportunity that they may share with share the Awesomeness of God to you, so that you may see even more clearly the Reality of the Greatness of God.... Its not just a story... it is a treasure....
A treasure chest...full of jewels for you to reveal and share and admire how it was made and came about. Running with this analogy: when you want to show the beauty of what God is doing, you don't want to pour out all the jewels..for they will be overwhelmed. Yet place one by one on the table before them...let them examine it, and appriciate it..and then share more... like seeking and finding a treasure...little bits at a time.. and recieving small beauties one piece at a time.
I have sat with friends who have shared their treasures with me piece by piece...and I feel like I leave the conversation rich with blessings...and more opportunities to go before my Lord and praise Him and be in awe of Him.
What treasures have you received? What have you shared? What can you share? What can you praise God for, from a story you heard from a friend? Think about these things...and be a treasure hunter, and a treasure giver. Be a treasure... to seek ...and to give
For the next person to come along your path, they don't have the same story as you, for you were made specifically diferent from that person so you would be unique and special by God and for His glory. But for this person...think of the wonderful blessings they will get from hearing your "story"... it gives them a light to shine on how Mighty and Awesome God really is...seeing how He worked in Your life...and then turn the tables... think about the opportunity that they may share with share the Awesomeness of God to you, so that you may see even more clearly the Reality of the Greatness of God.... Its not just a story... it is a treasure....
A treasure chest...full of jewels for you to reveal and share and admire how it was made and came about. Running with this analogy: when you want to show the beauty of what God is doing, you don't want to pour out all the jewels..for they will be overwhelmed. Yet place one by one on the table before them...let them examine it, and appriciate it..and then share more... like seeking and finding a treasure...little bits at a time.. and recieving small beauties one piece at a time.
I have sat with friends who have shared their treasures with me piece by piece...and I feel like I leave the conversation rich with blessings...and more opportunities to go before my Lord and praise Him and be in awe of Him.
What treasures have you received? What have you shared? What can you share? What can you praise God for, from a story you heard from a friend? Think about these things...and be a treasure hunter, and a treasure giver. Be a treasure... to seek ...and to give
Monday, October 25, 2010
Inspired to be Real
Inspired by my cousin, I feel I must say, it is hard to be real......
And when one is real... it is wonderful. Most of the time we walk around being "somewhat" real but are so easily influenced by our daily routine or environment that we start to put on a show..or even worse, shell ourselves from the world around us.
I know that I walk each day, trying to be joyful of what my creator has done... but ladies and gentlemen.. I am real... I am human...and I have days where I don't feel like being joyful or I feel like I'm nothing.. I have had my times where sin becomes my buddy and I'm not quick to leave it. Don't gasp as if it is a surprise, because you know that we have all been there.. in life where we could just care less.
Depression has knocked at my door and I have let him in..and he stayed a while... Defeat came.. I didn't want to fess up to the reality that I was there. But when the moment came and I surrendered to be real with myself and God about it, thats when the healing came. Was it easy? No. Was it finally worth it? Yes.
Temptation knocks at my door every morning that I wake up...EVERY DAY... it can be hard at times, and when difficulty comes..thats when I find its time to fess up and call for help.. And I mean I have called upon a sister or brother in the Lord to hold me accountable, to pray for me, to encourage me. Is it easy to ask for help? No. Is it really worth it? Yes.
For you and me: Being real does not mean that you must go and tell the whole world your shortcomings. Being real is the opportunity to grow, to learn more, to become more discerning, to shine a brighter and clearer light, ... You will find that being real will become treasures later on in life that you can share with others seeking truth, peace, understanding, and hope.
Start out your reality check right now: make yourself vulnerable towards God. And see what happens.
And when one is real... it is wonderful. Most of the time we walk around being "somewhat" real but are so easily influenced by our daily routine or environment that we start to put on a show..or even worse, shell ourselves from the world around us.
I know that I walk each day, trying to be joyful of what my creator has done... but ladies and gentlemen.. I am real... I am human...and I have days where I don't feel like being joyful or I feel like I'm nothing.. I have had my times where sin becomes my buddy and I'm not quick to leave it. Don't gasp as if it is a surprise, because you know that we have all been there.. in life where we could just care less.
Depression has knocked at my door and I have let him in..and he stayed a while... Defeat came.. I didn't want to fess up to the reality that I was there. But when the moment came and I surrendered to be real with myself and God about it, thats when the healing came. Was it easy? No. Was it finally worth it? Yes.
Temptation knocks at my door every morning that I wake up...EVERY DAY... it can be hard at times, and when difficulty comes..thats when I find its time to fess up and call for help.. And I mean I have called upon a sister or brother in the Lord to hold me accountable, to pray for me, to encourage me. Is it easy to ask for help? No. Is it really worth it? Yes.
For you and me: Being real does not mean that you must go and tell the whole world your shortcomings. Being real is the opportunity to grow, to learn more, to become more discerning, to shine a brighter and clearer light, ... You will find that being real will become treasures later on in life that you can share with others seeking truth, peace, understanding, and hope.
Start out your reality check right now: make yourself vulnerable towards God. And see what happens.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Song to tell my story
Have you ever turned on the radio and said, "wow, that song describes ______ in my life perfectly"? I'm sure it has. The art of music was fashioned in human beings for a reason and with a great purpose for life. It shines light on things in life, it uplifts, it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it expresses, anger, joy, sadness, love, life. It touches the heart. There is a book I read about10 years ago that I need to read again: "The Heart of the Artist" by: Rory Noland. It takes an interesting perspective of the artists' talents towards ministering to others and glorifying God.
There is a specific song I want to share with you that explains EXACTLY how I felt when I sat right there at Silom Springs, Arkansas- Youth Camp Grounds, humble before the Lord, God Almighty in one of the pews near the back, battling out my final surrender till that night June 5th, 1996, as a 13 year old girl... finally saying, "Lord, Take my life, and make it yours. I can't believe that you would want me, but yes I am nothing without you" The song "Welcome Home" decrides exactly what it felt like once I surrendered in that beautiful moment.
I hope you enjoy this song: Welcome Home by: Shaun Groves
Take, me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking
Welcome to this heart of mine
I've buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I've made
Inside of me
Come decorate, Lord
Open up the creaking door
And walk upon the dusty floor
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remain
Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricaded
Come inside this heart of mine
It's not my own
Make it home
Come and take this heart and make it
All Your own
Welcome home
Take a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet's filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I'm overwhelmed, I understand
I can't make this place all that You can
I took the space that You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and still You knocked
There is a specific song I want to share with you that explains EXACTLY how I felt when I sat right there at Silom Springs, Arkansas- Youth Camp Grounds, humble before the Lord, God Almighty in one of the pews near the back, battling out my final surrender till that night June 5th, 1996, as a 13 year old girl... finally saying, "Lord, Take my life, and make it yours. I can't believe that you would want me, but yes I am nothing without you" The song "Welcome Home" decrides exactly what it felt like once I surrendered in that beautiful moment.
I hope you enjoy this song: Welcome Home by: Shaun Groves
Take, me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking
Welcome to this heart of mine
I've buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I've made
Inside of me
Come decorate, Lord
Open up the creaking door
And walk upon the dusty floor
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remain
Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricaded
Come inside this heart of mine
It's not my own
Make it home
Come and take this heart and make it
All Your own
Welcome home
Take a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet's filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I'm overwhelmed, I understand
I can't make this place all that You can
I took the space that You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and still You knocked
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
You are on my mind: even though it wanders
On my mind
the rangers game
my cup of coffee
bills I need to pay
my friend in Ireland on a mission trip
my family
my friends
my neighbors are lound
my co-workers
wow I am blessed.
My future
I miss Russia
I still want to teach
will I ever get married
will I ever have kids
will the Lord say well done in the end
what will I I write in my will
I had fun tonight talking to friends who share the same spirit
I need to read more
I'm so glad the Lord forgives me each time I fail HIM
I am loved by my Beloved Savior
I wonder what tomorrow brings
my thoughts ...they wonder...they wander...they ponder...they praise...
But in the midst of it all...the best to think about is YOU: My Saviour
the rangers game
my cup of coffee
bills I need to pay
my friend in Ireland on a mission trip
my family
my friends
my neighbors are lound
my co-workers
wow I am blessed.
My future
I miss Russia
I still want to teach
will I ever get married
will I ever have kids
will the Lord say well done in the end
what will I I write in my will
I had fun tonight talking to friends who share the same spirit
I need to read more
I'm so glad the Lord forgives me each time I fail HIM
I am loved by my Beloved Savior
I wonder what tomorrow brings
my thoughts ...they wonder...they wander...they ponder...they praise...
But in the midst of it all...the best to think about is YOU: My Saviour
Saturday, October 16, 2010
More than the watchmen
A song I want to share with you all as I type this out in the early morning, touches my heart; something to dwell on before the sunrises. Based on the scripture Psalm 130: 6 "My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning", David delcares His hope for God's redemption... a hope promised, not to be broken. To express the level of "wait" from King David, He says even more than the watchmen, and repeats it AGAIN! A watchman would patiently wait for the first signs of the dawn breaking through so that the guards could relieve them of their night shift. David said even more so, his SOUL waits for the Lord. This speaks levels! In context a nation needed some change, and God's mercy was needed.
Down below is a video of the song, not best quality but it gets the message across. this song is sung by Rebecca St. James as she says, "Vulnerability and intimacy are two essentials in true worship- this song contains both"
Down below is a video of the song, not best quality but it gets the message across. this song is sung by Rebecca St. James as she says, "Vulnerability and intimacy are two essentials in true worship- this song contains both"
"Out of the depths of my despair
Oh I cry Father hear my voice
Open Your ears to hear my mercy cry
And if You kept a book of sin
Oh Father, who'd be standing?
But in Your goodness there is mercy and forgiveness
More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul it waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning
More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning"
Friday, October 15, 2010
A Reality that people Ignore: Death
An old journal archive from Russia (Sept. 09, 2006):
"There are these times when I find myself thinking about death. Like a little child we don't want to believe it happens, but it really does. It might be today, tomorrow, next week, in 10 years... I will have to face death.. But by thinking about the reality of death, makes me think about the reality of my relationship with Jesus Christ. It makes me question if I have truly trusted and believed that Christ can save me from eternal death- and the heart rejoices because I know that what I have living in me is real...
Now that makes me ponder on how I can actually live the reality of my life. Do I just go up to people and smile and say very shyly that I love Jesus? Do I get stuck in a pattern where my spirit goes knumb- wake up every Sunday, sing the songs, open the bible - not really reading it, and sitting durning the service while the preacher proclaims the truth and the instructions to be transformed- yet not respond at all. What should the reality be? I know this for sure... for me to keep my eyese on Jesus, not looking to the left or the right- or Satan will surely, pull me down. I should wake up each day and seek to fall more inlove with the Savior- to draw closer to Him.
With this understanding how can I live a dull life? It shakes the soul. Now, since Christ is in me, He puts a love in me that I never had before- a love that would do anything for another person. So I walk around seeing so many faces... so many.... and I wonder how many of them have thought about death, and how many have found the victory over death in Jesus... I wonder how many of them feel like they are doomed- that there is no hope at all. I wonder if they have tried to convince themselves that they won't face death- and try not to think about it.
It will always be something scary to think about, but to know the- rest of the story- the victory after the physical death... it brings an overwhelming joy and peace to the soul. So, in conclusion, I see that the reality for me is to live in the truth- to be a light to this dark, cold world. To be as real as Ican be about the love I found when I was 13- changing my destiny right there, for eternity. Death is real- Jesus is real. You can only be one:
1. Be born once-Die Twice
2. Be born twice-Die Once"
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Monastery: Seirgev Pasad- People attend mass |
Now that makes me ponder on how I can actually live the reality of my life. Do I just go up to people and smile and say very shyly that I love Jesus? Do I get stuck in a pattern where my spirit goes knumb- wake up every Sunday, sing the songs, open the bible - not really reading it, and sitting durning the service while the preacher proclaims the truth and the instructions to be transformed- yet not respond at all. What should the reality be? I know this for sure... for me to keep my eyese on Jesus, not looking to the left or the right- or Satan will surely, pull me down. I should wake up each day and seek to fall more inlove with the Savior- to draw closer to Him.
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begger at Seirgev Pasad: God loves all. |
It will always be something scary to think about, but to know the- rest of the story- the victory after the physical death... it brings an overwhelming joy and peace to the soul. So, in conclusion, I see that the reality for me is to live in the truth- to be a light to this dark, cold world. To be as real as Ican be about the love I found when I was 13- changing my destiny right there, for eternity. Death is real- Jesus is real. You can only be one:
1. Be born once-Die Twice
2. Be born twice-Die Once"
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Beautiful and Mighty
Today I went on a beautiful walk by a pond after working out.
I walked towards the bridge, "Thank you God for your surrounding beauty as I walk acrossthis bridge" (click- I take another picture)
I look out towards the fountain in the middle of the pond, "Thank you God for the water that can dance the way it does" (click- once again)
I walk over to a tree and notice a single orange leaf in the midst of the green ones, "God, thank you for your creativity of seasons changing colors" (click-...oh wait I must take another picture from another angle..I get closer... click) And as I'm doing this..I'm not paying attention to where I'm stepping....
I start over to where a bench is close to the water "Thank you God for moments when I can sit on that bench and talk to You" (click-I take a picture)...."OUCH" (is there a sticker around my foot?..I look down, pants are animated with hundreds of ants crawling all over me!
I know to stay as calm as I can, or they are all going to start biting... slowing I start removing them.. of course they don't like my disturbance (and they didn't like it when I stepped on their home earlier either). They start to bite me more and on my hand. At this point I can definitely say, 'I have ants in my pants' because I really do, and in my sock and now on my hands crawling up my arm...
In the midst of all this, the main thing on my mind was a great sigh to the fact that I HAD TO end my special little walk with God for the afternoon.
And as I was walking back to my car in agony, I was thinking... why was I having such a good time enjoying His beauty...and then..the ant attack had to happen... but then I started thinking about the ants..they are God's also... Ants were defending themselves, God designed them to be that way... and in much of God's design, there is much evidence that He is not just limited to being BEAUTIFUL..but also MIGHTY. I think of His lightening, His thunder, His earthquakes,... He is a God the Romancer.... He is also God the Mighty Master and Creator. and He is to be revered as much as adored.
Epilouge to my story: I made it home safe, dosed up on Benedryl, took a long nap, and am now in good condition. ;)
I looked up, "Thank you God for these beautiful clouds with the sun rays spilling out between them" (click-I take a picture)
I walked towards the bridge, "Thank you God for your surrounding beauty as I walk acrossthis bridge" (click- I take another picture)
I look out towards the fountain in the middle of the pond, "Thank you God for the water that can dance the way it does" (click- once again)
I walk over to a tree and notice a single orange leaf in the midst of the green ones, "God, thank you for your creativity of seasons changing colors" (click-...oh wait I must take another picture from another angle..I get closer... click) And as I'm doing this..I'm not paying attention to where I'm stepping....
I know to stay as calm as I can, or they are all going to start biting... slowing I start removing them.. of course they don't like my disturbance (and they didn't like it when I stepped on their home earlier either). They start to bite me more and on my hand. At this point I can definitely say, 'I have ants in my pants' because I really do, and in my sock and now on my hands crawling up my arm...
In the midst of all this, the main thing on my mind was a great sigh to the fact that I HAD TO end my special little walk with God for the afternoon.
And as I was walking back to my car in agony, I was thinking... why was I having such a good time enjoying His beauty...and then..the ant attack had to happen... but then I started thinking about the ants..they are God's also... Ants were defending themselves, God designed them to be that way... and in much of God's design, there is much evidence that He is not just limited to being BEAUTIFUL..but also MIGHTY. I think of His lightening, His thunder, His earthquakes,... He is a God the Romancer.... He is also God the Mighty Master and Creator. and He is to be revered as much as adored.
Epilouge to my story: I made it home safe, dosed up on Benedryl, took a long nap, and am now in good condition. ;)
Broken Vessel
A broken vessel
here I wrestle
why do I suck it in
try to pretend
here and now
You show me how
a vessel full of my failures
giving mine ...are now yours
oh how can this be
that you would look upon me
that you would love me
that you would count me
as one of your own
I'm not left alone
on my last string
its hope you bring
hope to carry on
in my heart's a song
this vessel so broken
is just the token
for you to take
and to make
me new again
from your hand
none can compare
to you
here I wrestle
why do I suck it in
try to pretend
here and now
You show me how
a vessel full of my failures
giving mine ...are now yours
oh how can this be
that you would look upon me
that you would love me
that you would count me
as one of your own
I'm not left alone
on my last string
its hope you bring
hope to carry on
in my heart's a song
this vessel so broken
is just the token
for you to take
and to make
me new again
from your hand
none can compare
to you
Saturday, October 9, 2010
meet the ARTIST
One summer I got to help out with the booths at a Rebecca St. James concert. I started talking with the lady who was in charge of the booth. I shared my testimony with her, talked with her about why Rebecca St. James has been such an inspiration on my life and some of the songs she created and sang. The lady said, would you like to meet with her and share your story with her.. (I was thinking to myself, surely enough this lady is joking). She informed me that her daughter was a back up singer for Rebecca and knew she could make it happen. ( I was bubbling on the inside with excitement... not that I idolize her, with her being just as human as me... but to meet the artist of the songs that touched my heart and helped me grow..I felt like this would be the best honor).
After the concert, the lady took me behind the desks where she was signing autographs and we stood there and talked, and I shared with her my story, she shared with me some about her music. There was something about that moment, about meeting the ARTIST, the creator of the music, "the one" who designed that song itself.. makes that moment even more honoring.
Have you ever had that happen where you meet the one who wrote the book, sang the song, composed the piece, painted the painting, ...? It becomes more personal.
For You and Me: Now...can you imagine...meeting the ARTIST, ..the CREATOR, of YOU? The one who design the hairs on your head, the length of your nose, the color of your eyes, the personality of your mind, the talents of your heart... That creator being THE creator, the Lord God Almighty... Can you imagine?
With the opportunity... a gift for you to recieve...that being salvation: there is immediate access to conversing with the ARTIST, God Himself...and soon to come..meeting HIM face to face...
After the concert, the lady took me behind the desks where she was signing autographs and we stood there and talked, and I shared with her my story, she shared with me some about her music. There was something about that moment, about meeting the ARTIST, the creator of the music, "the one" who designed that song itself.. makes that moment even more honoring.
Have you ever had that happen where you meet the one who wrote the book, sang the song, composed the piece, painted the painting, ...? It becomes more personal.
For You and Me: Now...can you imagine...meeting the ARTIST, ..the CREATOR, of YOU? The one who design the hairs on your head, the length of your nose, the color of your eyes, the personality of your mind, the talents of your heart... That creator being THE creator, the Lord God Almighty... Can you imagine?
With the opportunity... a gift for you to recieve...that being salvation: there is immediate access to conversing with the ARTIST, God Himself...and soon to come..meeting HIM face to face...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
"Got Plans?"
When I was counceling at a church camp one summer a church gave me one of their T-shirts that say on the back "Got Plans?" and on the front it says, "29:11"
Just to inform what that means:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a futre and a hope."- Jeremiah 29:11
A "declaration of the Lord" that I hold dear to my heart.
Plans are something we make every day. I plan on going grocery shopping today, I plan on going to the bank tomorrow... i plan on going to college, I plan on getting married some day, I plan on traveling the world, .. my plans are to...
If I were to dissect my life, look at it every step of the way,... it is nothing like I planned. I never became a marine biologist, I never married Jonathan Taylor Thomas, I never became a movie star, and I never owned a mitsubishi eclipse. I am laughing at what I just wrote... those were my plans in the 5th grade. I know thats a bit on the silly side but ...seriously... we hope...we dream...we think we know whats best...but things change... life happens..and God has much more in store.
On a more serious note: I NEVER thought I would go to Russia, in fact that was one of the last places on earth I wanted to travel to, but I'm happy to say that I was wrong... and this is a perfect example of how...we make plans...but God has BETTER plans. Now I look back on my time in Russia, and think, where would I be now if I DIDN'T GO to Russia? God knew that it would help me grow, it would change my life, and I would meet some pretty amazing children of God over there.
What God has in store for me now, I do not know, but 2 things:
1. I will continue to make plans and God will direct my path (Proverbs 16:9)
2. I will not stay in the past, but look forward (Philippians 3:13)
For you and me: Do you have plans? I was having coffee talk with my grandmother the other day and said that all the things that have happened in my life, I would never take them back and God has definitely had "What is BEST" in mind, instead of "what is GOOD or PLEASURABLE". I am thankful again and again that my plans constantly change due to God intervening. Allow God to change your plans.. Call on Him, sit with Him, ask Him for wisdom, ask Him for contentment where your at, ask Him to strengthen your HOPE where you stand right now... cuz He ain't through with you yet... you are precious to HIM.
Just to inform what that means:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a futre and a hope."- Jeremiah 29:11
A "declaration of the Lord" that I hold dear to my heart.
Plans are something we make every day. I plan on going grocery shopping today, I plan on going to the bank tomorrow... i plan on going to college, I plan on getting married some day, I plan on traveling the world, .. my plans are to...
If I were to dissect my life, look at it every step of the way,... it is nothing like I planned. I never became a marine biologist, I never married Jonathan Taylor Thomas, I never became a movie star, and I never owned a mitsubishi eclipse. I am laughing at what I just wrote... those were my plans in the 5th grade. I know thats a bit on the silly side but ...seriously... we hope...we dream...we think we know whats best...but things change... life happens..and God has much more in store.
On a more serious note: I NEVER thought I would go to Russia, in fact that was one of the last places on earth I wanted to travel to, but I'm happy to say that I was wrong... and this is a perfect example of how...we make plans...but God has BETTER plans. Now I look back on my time in Russia, and think, where would I be now if I DIDN'T GO to Russia? God knew that it would help me grow, it would change my life, and I would meet some pretty amazing children of God over there.
What God has in store for me now, I do not know, but 2 things:
1. I will continue to make plans and God will direct my path (Proverbs 16:9)
2. I will not stay in the past, but look forward (Philippians 3:13)
For you and me: Do you have plans? I was having coffee talk with my grandmother the other day and said that all the things that have happened in my life, I would never take them back and God has definitely had "What is BEST" in mind, instead of "what is GOOD or PLEASURABLE". I am thankful again and again that my plans constantly change due to God intervening. Allow God to change your plans.. Call on Him, sit with Him, ask Him for wisdom, ask Him for contentment where your at, ask Him to strengthen your HOPE where you stand right now... cuz He ain't through with you yet... you are precious to HIM.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
.... To Pray
Webster Dictionary Definition of PRAY:
-verb (used with object)
1. to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc., to (God or an object of worship)
2. to offer (a prayer)
3. to bring, put, etc.,
4. to make earnest petition to (a person)
5. to make petition or entreety for; crave
6. to enter into spiritual communion with God or an object of worship
through prayer.
After a conversation with a friend who is burdened with many things in her life, or a neighbor who just lost his mother, or a family member struggling with a decision to make..etc... you say those famous words..
or even better..
I only discuss this because I have found myself in this very rut before and its not a happy place to be. It is easy to get caught up with trying to be caring and compassionate towards other people.. You want to be there for them, care for them, do for them... but the most powerful thing to do is PRAY for them. So when you say PRAY, what are you commiting to do? Are you commiting to "mention" their name in your "prayers" when you say "dear LORD" and "AMEN"?
Look back at the definition of PRAY and see if thats what you do..
1. I will "offer devout petition" to my Father on behalf of your situation.
2. I will "bring" to the conversation your request to God.
3. I will make an "earnest petition" to God
PRAYER is definitely not a time of reciting a beautiful poem, it is a conversation, a petition, an entreaty, a communion with your Creator. It is a time of coming face to face with God.
Its more intimate than texting, or talking on the phone, its coming before the Lord, God, (the One who made those very hairs on your head) and coming to HIM vulnerable with your petition, or others.
Prayer is also a time of communicating a time of thankfulness and rejoicing. I would find it depressing and disapointing if my creation only came to me complaining and asking for "favors" Oh how wonderful it would be to give complements to God and tell Him how wonderful He is, and thank Him for what He has done, and Who He is to the fullest.
For You and Me: Lets rethink what our idea of Prayer really is, and take action to what it really is suppose to do. One side note: also think about where and how you pray. Every person is different, but something I recommend... is to actually find a secluded place all by yourself to be completely alone... to be alone with your Creator, that will give you an opportunity to be even more real with now distactions around you. And never "pray" to show off.
"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." - Matthew 6: 6-8
-verb (used with object)
1. to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc., to (God or an object of worship)
2. to offer (a prayer)
3. to bring, put, etc.,
4. to make earnest petition to (a person)
5. to make petition or entreety for; crave
6. to enter into spiritual communion with God or an object of worship
through prayer.
After a conversation with a friend who is burdened with many things in her life, or a neighbor who just lost his mother, or a family member struggling with a decision to make..etc... you say those famous words..
or even better..
I only discuss this because I have found myself in this very rut before and its not a happy place to be. It is easy to get caught up with trying to be caring and compassionate towards other people.. You want to be there for them, care for them, do for them... but the most powerful thing to do is PRAY for them. So when you say PRAY, what are you commiting to do? Are you commiting to "mention" their name in your "prayers" when you say "dear LORD" and "AMEN"?
Look back at the definition of PRAY and see if thats what you do..
1. I will "offer devout petition" to my Father on behalf of your situation.
2. I will "bring" to the conversation your request to God.
3. I will make an "earnest petition" to God
PRAYER is definitely not a time of reciting a beautiful poem, it is a conversation, a petition, an entreaty, a communion with your Creator. It is a time of coming face to face with God.
Its more intimate than texting, or talking on the phone, its coming before the Lord, God, (the One who made those very hairs on your head) and coming to HIM vulnerable with your petition, or others.
Prayer is also a time of communicating a time of thankfulness and rejoicing. I would find it depressing and disapointing if my creation only came to me complaining and asking for "favors" Oh how wonderful it would be to give complements to God and tell Him how wonderful He is, and thank Him for what He has done, and Who He is to the fullest.
For You and Me: Lets rethink what our idea of Prayer really is, and take action to what it really is suppose to do. One side note: also think about where and how you pray. Every person is different, but something I recommend... is to actually find a secluded place all by yourself to be completely alone... to be alone with your Creator, that will give you an opportunity to be even more real with now distactions around you. And never "pray" to show off.
"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." - Matthew 6: 6-8
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Let's Go for a Drive
Lord I have things on my mind
Let's go for a drive
I'll grab my keys
what time is it?...5?
Oh well
Let's still go
just you and me Lord
on the road
Dawn is just starting to wake
the stars are fading out
my heart and mind are turning
"what's this all about?"
the windows are down
your crisp air pours in
filling my lungs
this morning 5 A.M.
I push on the gas
speeding down the trail
some back road to neverland
like a kite I sail
My worries are fading
The speedometer is climbing
its you and me lord
and peace I am finding
we duke it out in this 5am trip
to who knows where
but its a place where I'm real
my savior and I a pair
In my shortcomings,
You take me as I am
You give me a hope
you grab my hand
Time to drive back home
The sun is starting to rise
The stars a gone now
like my troubles to my surprise
Back home I drive
Just you and me
now its 8 AM
I think Ill go for coffee
Just you and me
I'll pour a cup
sit on my porch with you
and watch the sun come up
To aGod who never sleeps
thanks for the drive at 5 AM
I know I can surrender to you
Another day we will drive again
Let's go for a drive
I'll grab my keys
what time is it?...5?
Oh well
Let's still go
just you and me Lord
on the road
Dawn is just starting to wake
the stars are fading out
my heart and mind are turning
"what's this all about?"
the windows are down
your crisp air pours in
filling my lungs
this morning 5 A.M.
I push on the gas
speeding down the trail
some back road to neverland
like a kite I sail
My worries are fading
The speedometer is climbing
its you and me lord
and peace I am finding
we duke it out in this 5am trip
to who knows where
but its a place where I'm real
my savior and I a pair
In my shortcomings,
You take me as I am
You give me a hope
you grab my hand
Time to drive back home
The sun is starting to rise
The stars a gone now
like my troubles to my surprise
Back home I drive
Just you and me
now its 8 AM
I think Ill go for coffee
Just you and me
I'll pour a cup
sit on my porch with you
and watch the sun come up
To aGod who never sleeps
thanks for the drive at 5 AM
I know I can surrender to you
Another day we will drive again
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
A Rebel I am because I can?
A story from Russia:
"While i had no classes to teach at the moment, and all the student were in class, I decided to take a stroll down the halls and look out the windows at the snow falling down.. I was in another world enjoying the white beauty falling from the heavens outside, that I started whistling a cheerful tune.. ... all of a sudden a fellow teacher walks up and says, 'Don't whistle, it will bring bad fortune; you will lose all your money'. I looked back at her as if wondering if she was serious or not. She was. To myself I was thinking how silly to think that whistling indoors will make me loose all I have.
I could easily turn around and keep whistling because I can, and I know that I will not lose my money because of a superstition.... Yes I have the right to do it if I want, I have that freedom. I also have a responsibility to respect others.
Another incident that happened: My teammates and I were going to visit Christ The Saviour Cathedral, and on of my friends without thinking anything of it, put his hands in his pockets while admiring the interior of the cathedral. A nun came over and pulled his hands out of his pockets, saying something fast to him in Russian, but the jist he got from it was that it was very rude to put your hands in your pockets when inside the cathedral. Would this condem his soul if he chose to keep his hands in his pockets? no, but would it offend many there? yes
For you and me: Because we know that we have freedom in Christ, does that mean we can do whatever we want? no.... Paul confronts the Romans about the issue of whether or not to eat sacrificed meat, even though they could freely eat it and it not harm them. In conclusion our liberty has a responsibility.
I could be a "Rebel" if I wanted to, and prove that i can do many things outside of traditions and they will not destroy my relationship with Christ, ... but ... it might make a brother or sister stumble, who are new and just beginning to grow. Be careful my friends, ... Freedom in Christ holds a responsibility to be discerning.
Romans 14:20" Do not for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to make another stumble by what he eats."
"While i had no classes to teach at the moment, and all the student were in class, I decided to take a stroll down the halls and look out the windows at the snow falling down.. I was in another world enjoying the white beauty falling from the heavens outside, that I started whistling a cheerful tune.. ... all of a sudden a fellow teacher walks up and says, 'Don't whistle, it will bring bad fortune; you will lose all your money'. I looked back at her as if wondering if she was serious or not. She was. To myself I was thinking how silly to think that whistling indoors will make me loose all I have.
I could easily turn around and keep whistling because I can, and I know that I will not lose my money because of a superstition.... Yes I have the right to do it if I want, I have that freedom. I also have a responsibility to respect others.
Another incident that happened: My teammates and I were going to visit Christ The Saviour Cathedral, and on of my friends without thinking anything of it, put his hands in his pockets while admiring the interior of the cathedral. A nun came over and pulled his hands out of his pockets, saying something fast to him in Russian, but the jist he got from it was that it was very rude to put your hands in your pockets when inside the cathedral. Would this condem his soul if he chose to keep his hands in his pockets? no, but would it offend many there? yes
For you and me: Because we know that we have freedom in Christ, does that mean we can do whatever we want? no.... Paul confronts the Romans about the issue of whether or not to eat sacrificed meat, even though they could freely eat it and it not harm them. In conclusion our liberty has a responsibility.
I could be a "Rebel" if I wanted to, and prove that i can do many things outside of traditions and they will not destroy my relationship with Christ, ... but ... it might make a brother or sister stumble, who are new and just beginning to grow. Be careful my friends, ... Freedom in Christ holds a responsibility to be discerning.
Romans 14:20" Do not for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to make another stumble by what he eats."
The Prodigal Soul has come HOME!
"Help me wipe away the cobwebs in my heart my dearest Lord. Cleanse this soul from it's rebellous lifestyle and filth. You bring me back- back to when I said "Yes" to You and my life was changed forever. You have told me to not dwell on my past, not to waste anymore time.. "get out there and be as real and as genuine as you can be for My Glory"- You say. This dry and thirsty sould has been flooded by Your mercies and love! So don't stop working on my heart, Jesus! That is my cry! Even when I'm not focused- press Your presence upon me to surrender to my convictions. Let this prodigal sould come home!"
The story of the Prodigal Son can be found in Luke 15: 11-32.
The story of the Prodigal Son can be found in Luke 15: 11-32.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Keith Green - Your Love Broke Through
Keith Green has an amazing testemony! His music was definitely something that touched many people's lives...but you appriciate this man more when you hear his story, and know where he came from.
Seasons..Winter then Spring
As I was hanging out with friends, one of them told me simply: "After winter comes spring.. wait" encouraging words, hard to take in, but TRUE. Spending time with family the next day, my sister, grandmother and I were talking about seasons in our life, and they could tell I was in a peaceful time in my life. Things have definitely changed over time.
Its true: I feel like I'm in such a peaceful time right now (yes even with the good and bad days). But it is like winter right now and I'm having to BE STILL. It reminds me of the snow in Russia. For the city of Moscow to be such a gloomy dirty place, the snow made it beautiful, and in the spring, the tulips would blossom everywhere, even while the snow had not yet melted. Talk about a BEAUTIFUL SITE!
The snow works as a blanket, to protect the flowers. Who would have thought? I feel like it is definitely that season: Its beautiful, peaceful, and I'm blanketed in place... God's working on my... before the spring will blossom through. Its not easy sometimes, because I want to go and achieve, but its not that season yet. So I am STILL, and I soak in the AWARENESS that God is at work.
For You and Me: What season is it for you? And are you content in that season you're in right now? All seasons are beautiful in their own way and they happen for a reason.
"For Everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Its true: I feel like I'm in such a peaceful time right now (yes even with the good and bad days). But it is like winter right now and I'm having to BE STILL. It reminds me of the snow in Russia. For the city of Moscow to be such a gloomy dirty place, the snow made it beautiful, and in the spring, the tulips would blossom everywhere, even while the snow had not yet melted. Talk about a BEAUTIFUL SITE!
The snow works as a blanket, to protect the flowers. Who would have thought? I feel like it is definitely that season: Its beautiful, peaceful, and I'm blanketed in place... God's working on my... before the spring will blossom through. Its not easy sometimes, because I want to go and achieve, but its not that season yet. So I am STILL, and I soak in the AWARENESS that God is at work.
For You and Me: What season is it for you? And are you content in that season you're in right now? All seasons are beautiful in their own way and they happen for a reason.
"For Everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Nearer than you Think
As I was driving to my hometown at 6am this morning, I called my grandmother about half way, suprising her that I was nearer to town than she thought. She was excited that I was a little early as was I; I always enjoy having family time, hanging out, drinking coffee, talking about life, laughing a silly jokes... but thats not the moral of the story...
It takes on more than one tale for the focus of NEARNESS. (in the context of life, death, and eternity ether way)
My family has informed me of 3 tragic happening that occured in my hometown, all in one weeks time. Of course when one reads this, they have to understand this has all happened in a town population less than 40,000. I do want to warn you that if you are easily offended by violence please don't read the rest of this post.
The first news was that of a woman working at a burger joint. Supposedly, she went to the bathroom, had a baby, threw it in the garbage, and told her boss she was going home because she had blood on her. They found the baby, and the baby and her were taken to the hospital for emergency care, and the mother has been sent to jail, while the baby is under the care of foster parents as soon as the baby is released.
The second was of a trailer home found burnt with 3 people found dead inside. They were found with gunshot wounds and stab marks. One of them was pregnant when murdered. They still are investigating the situation.
The last is of a fatal car accident, involving three cars. 3 people died, because someone was in a hurry and wanted to swurve around another car carlessly.
In one week: 6 people have died, actually 7 counting the baby not born yet, one arrested for attempted murder of her baby, and one survivor (the baby), and one mystery killer.
saying all that, I am sad, thinking this can't be real, but this is! and this just happened this last week in one small town. So now you may ask why I jumped into such sad news with a great begining of family and love, and fellowship... placing all this together.. We are NEARER than we THINK to the end.
Jesus is coming soon... very soon. He is NEARER than you THINK. And what weeping there should be for the sadness in the world. ... Even more so...what is the condition of your OWN HEART.
For You and Me: Evaluate your Heart! Stop judging others and get the plank out of your own eye. Then "help" others around you. Maybe you've heard of this phrase, "LOVE IS a VERB"... so be a doer of the word and not just a hearer...
James 1:22 says, "But be doers of the word, and not hears only, deceiving yourselves."
It takes on more than one tale for the focus of NEARNESS. (in the context of life, death, and eternity ether way)
My family has informed me of 3 tragic happening that occured in my hometown, all in one weeks time. Of course when one reads this, they have to understand this has all happened in a town population less than 40,000. I do want to warn you that if you are easily offended by violence please don't read the rest of this post.
The first news was that of a woman working at a burger joint. Supposedly, she went to the bathroom, had a baby, threw it in the garbage, and told her boss she was going home because she had blood on her. They found the baby, and the baby and her were taken to the hospital for emergency care, and the mother has been sent to jail, while the baby is under the care of foster parents as soon as the baby is released.
The second was of a trailer home found burnt with 3 people found dead inside. They were found with gunshot wounds and stab marks. One of them was pregnant when murdered. They still are investigating the situation.
The last is of a fatal car accident, involving three cars. 3 people died, because someone was in a hurry and wanted to swurve around another car carlessly.
In one week: 6 people have died, actually 7 counting the baby not born yet, one arrested for attempted murder of her baby, and one survivor (the baby), and one mystery killer.
saying all that, I am sad, thinking this can't be real, but this is! and this just happened this last week in one small town. So now you may ask why I jumped into such sad news with a great begining of family and love, and fellowship... placing all this together.. We are NEARER than we THINK to the end.
Jesus is coming soon... very soon. He is NEARER than you THINK. And what weeping there should be for the sadness in the world. ... Even more so...what is the condition of your OWN HEART.
For You and Me: Evaluate your Heart! Stop judging others and get the plank out of your own eye. Then "help" others around you. Maybe you've heard of this phrase, "LOVE IS a VERB"... so be a doer of the word and not just a hearer...
James 1:22 says, "But be doers of the word, and not hears only, deceiving yourselves."
Thursday, September 23, 2010
More than the SAND on the Shore
A story from Hurghada, Egypt, on the Beach of the Red Sea: Journal Archives
"As the tide is roling in, the water is smoothing out the coast where the footprints are at.
As the tide roles over my feet my toes can feel the tiny little grans of sand blanket my feet.
I understand this to be a metaphor of the sand grains and the thoughts that YOU think towards me... but WOW... to know this to be a reality of who YOU are...leaves me in awe.
I have just now scooped up some sand with one finger and I am to be sure that there were at least 100 grains... 100 thoughts YOU think towards me, but no... YOUR word says that every thought that YOU think of me are MORE than the sand on the shore. That is amazing and I don't deserve it. YOU really do love me. "
I remember that day on the beach, lying in the sun... and a pinch of sand had more than 100 grains! Can you think of 100 wonderful thoughts to think about someone... better yet, can you even think of 100 good things to think towards yourself???
My attempt
1. you are ........
okay I got nothin'
For You and Me: Reflect on HOW AMAZING God is. He's so amazing that He had to give us an example of sand on the shore just so we might have a glimpse of how grand He really is.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
It's OK to be a KID
As life happens, we get caught up in it, and we trying our hardest to stay on schedule with rutine of life.
Pay my bills on time
make dinner
go to work
go to sleep
go back to work
come home make dinner
pay my second round of bills
Need I go on?
Then there is the way of thinking...
No time for fun
must work
no smiling
stop playing around
not for me...thats for kids
you just go without me...I'll stay behind
WAKE UP...and smell the JOY
Wherever you are or whatever you're doing there is always an opportunity to find JOY and to have fun. Yes there are down times... that is life...but don't forget the good times too.
Confessions of a Grown-Up:
I love to watch cartoons
I love to push the buttons on the talking books when I walk down the toy ilse in the stores
I own a coloring book and yes I color in it... why not?
Whats your confession?
It's OK to be a KID
Jesus describes in Mark 10: 13-16 about the characteristics of children and how we should come to Him with a childlike faith.
Just the other day I pulled out Prince of Egypt and watched it. Instead of trying to analyze it, I allowed my thinking to be in awe of the fact that God did mighty things in Egypt and it was no was REAL. You can find such joy just setting your mind on these kinds of things.
For You and Me: Drive this idea home to the heart. What are some ways you can put your grown up ways aside and be like a child sitting in the Savior's lap, listening to His stories?
Pay my bills on time
make dinner
go to work
go to sleep
go back to work
come home make dinner
pay my second round of bills
Need I go on?
Then there is the way of thinking...
No time for fun
must work
no smiling
stop playing around
not for me...thats for kids
you just go without me...I'll stay behind
WAKE UP...and smell the JOY
Wherever you are or whatever you're doing there is always an opportunity to find JOY and to have fun. Yes there are down times... that is life...but don't forget the good times too.
Confessions of a Grown-Up:
I love to watch cartoons
I love to push the buttons on the talking books when I walk down the toy ilse in the stores
I own a coloring book and yes I color in it... why not?
Whats your confession?
It's OK to be a KID
Jesus describes in Mark 10: 13-16 about the characteristics of children and how we should come to Him with a childlike faith.
Just the other day I pulled out Prince of Egypt and watched it. Instead of trying to analyze it, I allowed my thinking to be in awe of the fact that God did mighty things in Egypt and it was no was REAL. You can find such joy just setting your mind on these kinds of things.
For You and Me: Drive this idea home to the heart. What are some ways you can put your grown up ways aside and be like a child sitting in the Savior's lap, listening to His stories?
Admiring or Accepting
In times of need... we look for comfort.
I try to seek out comfort with family..with friends... but they can only give so much.
But the obvious... right in front of me... my Beloved Saviour waits for me to call upon Him.
And As I lift my request for comfort, here He comes...
To comfort.
Not to be admired as the Comforter.
No, He's waiting for me to lay my head on His shoulder, for me to sigh a deep sigh and for Him to embrace me and comfort me and whisper peace to me.
For You and Me: Let us look deeper into the concept of what the Comforter is suppose to do. Is He to be Admired from afar with showers of complements of what He can do.... or is He to be Accepted into your embrace to actually comfort you.
sometimes "saying" you trust God and give your cares to Him ... is only an action of words, not of doing.
So Do It! throw your hands up, surrender your pride, breathe in His embrace, and sigh a sigh of peace.
I try to seek out comfort with family..with friends... but they can only give so much.
But the obvious... right in front of me... my Beloved Saviour waits for me to call upon Him.
And As I lift my request for comfort, here He comes...
To comfort.
Not to be admired as the Comforter.
No, He's waiting for me to lay my head on His shoulder, for me to sigh a deep sigh and for Him to embrace me and comfort me and whisper peace to me.
For You and Me: Let us look deeper into the concept of what the Comforter is suppose to do. Is He to be Admired from afar with showers of complements of what He can do.... or is He to be Accepted into your embrace to actually comfort you.
sometimes "saying" you trust God and give your cares to Him ... is only an action of words, not of doing.
So Do It! throw your hands up, surrender your pride, breathe in His embrace, and sigh a sigh of peace.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Tulip
When I was at OBU I was sitting along the fountains, listening to the water trickle and the aroma was fresh of grass and dew.
..the sun started rising over the hills..
..and in the midst of God's nature, I was thinking about the worries of my life, and the stresses of my tomorrows....
And when that sun poured out over the hills, its rays were captured and ingulfed inside this simple red tulip sitting right next to me, keeping me company.
The glory of God, present in such a petit, simple, small, flower.. so small, I leaned forward to take a closer look, and as I studied it, I could trace each vain with my finger. Such intricate design and rich color to such a simple flower!
Simple, yet taking a closer look beautiful.
Don't belittle the little things... they are greater if you look closer.
Being filled with His Glory the Tulip revealed itself to the grandest.
You also be filled.
He waiting for you to drop your worries to His feet. Watch Him spill sun's glory and splendor into that tulip just for you.
..the sun started rising over the hills..
..and in the midst of God's nature, I was thinking about the worries of my life, and the stresses of my tomorrows....
And when that sun poured out over the hills, its rays were captured and ingulfed inside this simple red tulip sitting right next to me, keeping me company.
The glory of God, present in such a petit, simple, small, flower.. so small, I leaned forward to take a closer look, and as I studied it, I could trace each vain with my finger. Such intricate design and rich color to such a simple flower!
Simple, yet taking a closer look beautiful.
Don't belittle the little things... they are greater if you look closer.
Being filled with His Glory the Tulip revealed itself to the grandest.
You also be filled.
He waiting for you to drop your worries to His feet. Watch Him spill sun's glory and splendor into that tulip just for you.
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