Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BFF code laughter

To this day only a select very few know what the code name BHA means.. VERY FEW.  It was created by my two good friends Diane and was offically started in the 5th grade.  It became a tope secret file and we added really funny things to it... over the years, we remind eacher other of the code and all the things involved with it (i.e. the funny memories)... and we have a real good time laughing about it.

Do you have funny memories that you can look back on and they still make you laugh? if so do they lighten your mood and lift your spirits?  I'll be talking more about this on friday. until then, post a funny memory:....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Funny Moments...

Its always good to laugh...  hope you get a few chuckles out of this... we will be talking later on this week about the importance of laughing.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Locker Combinations and Living as a Believer

My coworker, the other day, had something of mine in his locker.  I asked for his combination ... and his answer was "I dunno.. I just turn the padlock out of habbit... I think its..."

This got me thinking ... what if we are like this in our daily lives as a Believer and Follower in the Lord Jesus... we are so use to the motions that we forgot the deeper concept of it, or what the actually answers are to our problems.

So this is a simple analogy to share with you, but to apply it to my life it made me think even harder.

Very Important:  I get so caught up with life that I start losing my joy...and when I'm singing hymns of praise and worship... am I singing it because I know it well and it sounds pretty?  Those words... they usually are powerful... to stop and think about it, changes some perspective...

So my challenge is to you that you don't grow knumb to what you've learned, be open and alert.. don't do things out of habbit.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

biannual church: EASTER ADVENTURE

As a small child, I didn't go to church much.. here and there.  But there is one year I remember going on an Easter Sunday. 

I brought my stuffed Easter bunny that the Easter bunny brought himself to my basket in my living room.  It came with me to church.  I think I was in preschool or kindergarten and I didn't know anybody.  I started crying... A LOT!  I remember the teacher asking if I put my bunny aside and I cried harder... I ended up staying really quiet due to the agreement that the teacher let me keep my bunny in my lap.  I don't remember too much, but what I DO remember was coloring a picture of Jesus coming out of the grave and I made it really colorful.

I thought this Jesus was a little different than what I had ever heard, and the picture was interesting to me... of course I didn't think much more about it at that age, but it did stick with me.

So those who go to as many functions as possible with a church three times a week, more power to ya.  But even those who visit on holidays like Easter and Christmas:  you are stepping into an adventure that will stick with you.  It did for me... it got me intrigued.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Forgiven and Loved

Enjoy this song from Talented vocal to powerful words...this is one of those songs when you know you don't have to put on your sunday best...but can sit in your hiding place and talk with GOD.

Forgiven and Loved: by Jimmy Needham

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the ceiling fan

A lot of times and pretty much 99% of the time growing up I would sleep with my older sister.  I got scared easy.

One of her favorite things was to have the ceiling fan going in her room whether it was winter or summer.  I asked her one time why she would have it on while it is 30 degrees outside and she told me that it was lulling and comforting to her when she was sleeping at night.  This memory has popped into my head because I'm sitting here in my livingroom with a floor fan going ... and I'm realizing the soothing sounds of the fan. 

It brings back so many memories.. good ones

Do you have a sent, or sound, or texture, that makes you go back in time?

Memory is the way of saying thank for what you have now...

Monday, February 27, 2012

From Winter to Spring

Enjoy this guest blog poem from Joshua Smetzer, a poem that is refreshing for the heart.  And be sure to check out the blog he is a part of at

From Winter to Spring

As winter draws to a close,
and spring is on the cusp of full bloom,
so too is my spiritual state.
As the winter freeze begins to thaw,
soften my heart, oh God.
May I resign these dark habits which harden my heart,
and may I soak in the love which You graciously shower on me.
With spring comes life anew,
a transition from the dead and dormant
into a new phase bursting forth with life.
I have fallen idle in Your ways,
hibernating on the faith I had already gathered for myself.
I grew, but only for a season,
and fell prey to thinking I had attained enough to get me by.
And like nature in winter,
I became dormant, waiting for a later season.
Spring is now knocking on the door,
as are you Lord.
Will I answer the call and let you bring me into full bloom,
or will I fail to transition with the seasons and die in my ways.
Take tender care of me oh God,
and nurture me along the way.
This transition is never easy,
but life in the spring of Your love and grace is oh so beautiful.